Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Final Post

This class has been an enjoyable and valuable learning experience for me over the course of the semester. I entered this class with the hope of learning more about multicultural literature. Now at the end of the semester I feel I have reached my goal. Not only has my original idea of what multicultural literature is changed and expanded, but I now even see greater value in teaching and representing multicultural literature. Previously when thinking about the definition of multicultural literature, the word "diversity" is what I thought of it to mean. While this is still true, I didn't take into account all aspects of this in terms of relating it to sexual identities and religious groups. Before I mostly thought of multicultural literature as different races and ethnicities. This class has widened the value in which I hold on the importance of multicultural literature. I see authentic multicultural literature as a way to teach children in the world about cultures and people unlike themselves as well as a way to honor and respect people in various underrepresented groups by helping them to see that there experiences are just as valued and important as larger, majority groups. 

This class has also taught me a great deal about how to think critically about multicultural literature. I now know the importance in asking questions about whether the book contains possible stereotypes, what the authors intensions are, is the book accurate and authentic, and whether the book portrays the culture positively or negatively. I also know a lot more about stereotypes and over generalizations that are common about particular underrepresented groups. Ways in which I would not have thought or picked out as negative about a group sometimes actually are offensive. Perhaps the most important thing this class has taught me is to take the initiative and find out about various cultures in order to choose multicultural literature that is authentic. In my future teaching career I will always strive to provide my students with literature that represents various underrepresented groups positively and accurately. I will be able to use my skills I've learned in this class to make sure I am picking authentic pieces to the best of my ability. I also plan to constantly ask questions about literature and find out about various cultures so I can continuously grow in my knowledge of this subject. 

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